Responsible Supply Chain
100% Critical suppliers signing the supplier code of conduct
Enable Supply Chain Management Platform to convey the Company's important policies to suppliers
100% of Tier 1 suppliers meeting the transaction criteria set forth by the Production Management Department and Procurement Department completed the "Sustainable Risk Assessment Questionnaire"
Performed RBA audit on 31 critical suppliers
Surveyed 57 suppliers, and completed 321 product part numbers by conflict minerals management process to confirm the original place of 3TG, Cobalt and Mica
The pass rate of RBA audit of critical suppliers is 100%, and subsequent corrections are still required for deficiencies

Code Compliance

100% Critical suppliers signing the supplier code of conduct

Enable Supply Chain Management Platform to convey the Company's important policies to suppliers

Risk Assessment

100% of Tier 1 suppliers meeting the transaction criteria set forth by the Production Management Department and Procurement Department completed the "Sustainable Risk Assessment Questionnaire"

Audit Participation

Performed RBA audit on 31 critical suppliers

Surveyed 57 suppliers, and completed 321 product part numbers by conflict minerals management process to confirm the original place of 3TG, Cobalt and Mica

Continuous Improvement

The pass rate of RBA audit of critical suppliers is 100%, and subsequent corrections are still required for deficiencies