Chandler, AZ – July 24, 2019 — Everspin Technologies, Inc., (NASDAQ: MRAM), the world's leading developer and manufacturer of Magnetoresistive RAM (MRAM) persistent memory solutions, announced Phison Electronics Corp. will provide native support for Everspin’s 1 Gb STT-MRAM memory in its next generation enterprise SSD controller lineup. Phison controllers with Everspin’s 1 Gb STT-MRAM enable storage system designers to increase the reliability and performance of systems where high-performance data persistence is critical. This is accomplished by delivering protection against power loss without the use of supercapacitors or batteries.
Phison is a market leader in NAND flash controllers, shipping more than 600 million controllers annually and rapidly demonstrating its capabilities and position at the forefront of enterprise-class technology. Phison controllers with the Everspin’s 1 Gb STT-MRAM part offer storage system designers more effective management of I/O streams, creating a higher degree of latency determinism. It also allows storage OEMs to significantly improve quality of service.
“As enterprise SSD manufacturers seek smaller form factors and increased performance, STT-MRAM delivers high-speed, non-volatile write buffer which enables higher performance and storage density” said Rizwan Ahmed, Everspin Vice President of Marketing. “By partnering with Phison, we’re bringing our 1 Gb STT-MRAM technology to next-generation enterprise SSD controllers.”
“Adding native support for Everspin’s 1 Gb STT-MRAM to our controllers enables our hyperscale and enterprise OEM customers to increase performance, reduce latency and dramatically improve quality of service,” said CS Ma, Phison CTO. “Everspin’s STT-MRAM is the best solution available for SSD designers to optimize footprint, performance, endurance, and reliability.”
Everspin and Phison will be hosting a technical session at the Flash Memory Summit conference in Santa Clara, California (Aug 6-8) to provide insights on MRAM use-cases in enterprise applications. Everspin will also be delivering the opening Keynote at the MRAM Developer Day on Aug 5th to kick off the combined MRAM/FMS conferences, as well as other technical sessions and panels at both events. Visit Everspin at Booth #319, Phison at Booth #219.
Everspin and Phison Partner to Bring Spin Torque Transfer MRAM to Next Generation Enterprise SSD Controllers
- カテゴリー: Press Releases
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