Human Rights

Phison's human rights policy stipulates that child labor and forced labor are prohibited; that unlawful discrimination shall be eliminated; that equal job opportunities shall be ensured; that a communicative work environment shall be created for employees; that an open management model shall be established; that a safe and healthy work environment shall be provided; that employees shall be offered supports to maintain their physical and mental health and work-life balance; and that relevant systems and measures shall be regularly reviewed and evaluated. We are committed to eliminating any unlawful discriminations on the basis of gender, sexual orientation, race, nationality, religion, political affiliation, age, marital status, socioeconomic status, family condition, physical and mental disabilities, and appearance, thereby ensuring the equal rights of employees and their right to have a dignified job.

The Corporate Sustainable Management Committee is the Company's highest guiding unit in charge of human rights issues and the promotion of human rights protection. Every year the Company assesses the human rights risk based on the results of human rights due diligence investigation and the RBA Internal Human Rights Audit, and the feedback from the employee opinion survey, and assesses our risk value towards different aspects of human rights issues. After the assessment done in 2022, high risk human rights issues included long working hours while other potential risk issues include unlawful infringement (including sexual harassment), discrimination, salary and benefits. Responsible units shall implement mitigation measures based on the assessment results, and enhance the training plan and communication and dissemination plan that are included in the mitigation measures.

Aside from formulating an unlawful infringement zero-tolerance policy, the Company also organizes internal and external trainings on unlawful infringement and unlawful infringement zero-tolerance policy every year. All employees, including new hires and inservice staff, are required to be trained. The coverage rate for trainees is 100%. Seeing that unlawful infringement often occurs under imbalanced position of power, we have established a "Unlawful Infringement Prevention course for supervisors " and continue to invite them to participate in the course to promote the definition of unlawful infringement, awareness, frequently occurred cases, and prevention principles. We also cooperate with the "Employee Problem Discovery" course to inform supervisors of their Roles, responsibilities and obligations, indicators for assessing employee abnormalities, company referral and assistance systems, employee assistance programs (EAPs), etc.The proportion of supervisors who have participated in the " Unlawful Infringement Prevention course for supervisors " in the past three years is 19%.

Human rights due diligence process

Human rights risk matrix

Human rights risk mitigation and compensation measures

Phison has established the Regulations Governing Internal and External Communication and Complaint and Report Management, which is applicable to Phison's employees and external personnel having a business relationship with or stake in Phison. If the aforementioned personnel suffer or detect any unlawful infringement of rights, discriminations, improper punishments, violations of ethical management and conduct, violations of privacy and intellectual property rights, or other relevant matters, they may file complaints through the existing channels in which the complainants' names shall be provided, or through our new anonymous feedback box. All complaints will be reported to the representative of the Corporate Sustainability Committee immediately, followed by the investigation in due course. All complaint cases must be approved by the representative before closing. By providing diversified complaint channels and ensuring their smooth operation, we hope to effectively recover the damages to victims' rights and interests, and identify and mitigate potential human rights risks in our operations ahead of time.

Violation of labor laws in the past three years:





Number of breaches




Disclosure of incidents of human rights violations in the past three years:





Number of breaches