• Corporate Governance

Members of Board of Directors

Chairman: Wee Kuan Gan【Representative of Cheng He Investment Co., Ltd】

Date Elected

Term (Years)


Major Past Positions


3 Years

Institute of Electrical and Control Engineering, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University

Vice President of Phison Electronics Corporation

Director: Tzung Horng Kuang

Date Elected

Term (Years)


Major Past Positions


3 Years

Master of Business Administration, Greenwich University

Kogen Singarpore Pte Ltd

Vice President of Phison Electronics Corporation

Director: Chiu An Chuang 【Representative of Cheng Shuo Investment Limited】

Date Elected

Term (Years)


Major Past Positions


3 Years

Primary school graduation

Director of Taiwan Shin Yu Industrial Co., Ltd.

President of Thailand Shin Yu Industrial Co., Ltd.

Chairman of the 28th Mediation Committee of Jhushan Town, Nantou County

Chairman of the Management Committee of Jhushan Zi Nan Temple

Director: Jiunn Yeong Yang

Date Elected

Term (Years)


Major Past Positions


3 Years

Ph.D. of Institute of Electrical and Control Engineering, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University

Founder of Phison Electronics Corporation

Director: Hiroshi Miyauchi 【Representative of Kioxia Corporation】

Date Elected

Term (Years)


Major Past Positions


3 Years

The University of Electro-Communications, Bachelor

Toshiba Corporation, Director & General Manager of Intellectual Property Division

Toshiba Corporation, R&D Technology Division, Chief Fellow

Director: Chih Jen Hsu

Date Elected

Term (Years)


Major Past Positions


3 Years

Department of Information and Computer Engineering, Chung Yuan Christian University

Winbond Electronics Corporation Assistant Manager

Founder of Phison Electronics Corporation

Independent Director: Huei Ming Wang

Date Elected

Term (Years)


Major Past Positions


3 Years

Master of Industrial Management from Chung Hua University

Director of Moores Rowland CPAs

Independent Director: Chen Wei Wang

Date Elected

Term (Years)


Major Past Positions


3 Years

Department of Electronics Engineering, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University

CEO of Quanta Computer lnc.

President of Quanta Computer lnc.

Independent Director: Yu Lun Huang

Date Elected

Term (Years)


Major Past Positions


3 Years

Ph.D., Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University

Dean of Vice Academic Affairs, National Chiao Tung University

Associate Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University

Major Resolutions of Board of Directors

2024.04.10 The 8th Meeting of the Tenth Term

  1. For the matter regarding the Domestic Unsecured Convertible Corporate Bonds to be registered to new common shares
  2. Amendment to part of the "Management of the Use of seal " of the Company
  3. Early termination of the lease agreement with sub-subsidiary, Super Storage Technology Corporation, for the building on the 4th floor
  4. The company proposes intends to discuss the construction of a new building project on the campus of National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University in Tainan Branch
  5. The company proposes to donate and construct a new building on the designated site at the National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University Zhubei Liujia Campus Branch
  6. The Company’s Board of Directors propose to nominate and review the list of candidates for the by-election of one director at the 2024 annual shareholders’ meeting
  7. To release the non-compete restrictions on the Company’s Directors

2024.03.08 The 7th Meeting of the Tenth Term

  1. The employees’ compensation and directors’ compensation of the year of 2023
  2. The Company’s Business Report and Financial Statements for the year of 2023
  3. The Earnings Distribution Proposal of the year of 2023
  4. The Proposal for second cash dividend distribution of the year of 2023
  5. The Company’s Business Plan for the year of 2024
  6. To amend the Accounting System Regulations
  7. The credit line of banks for the Company
  8. The trading line of foreign exchange and derivatives for the Company
  9. To amend the partial articles of “Regulations Governing Procedure for Board of Directors Meetings” of the Company
  10. To amend the partial articles of “Procedures for Applications for Halt and Resumption of Trading” of the Company
  11. To amend the partial articles of “Standard Operating Procedures for handling requests made by Directors” of the Company
  12. The Company propose to resolve not to continue the private placement common shares approved by 2023 annual shareholders’ meeting
  13. The Company propose to resolve not to continue the private placement of 18,000,000 common shares approved by 2023 annual shareholders’ meeting
  14. The Company proposes to donate and construct a new building on the designated site at the National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University Tainan Branch
  15. The 2023 Statement on Internal Control
  16. Reviewing the remuneration of board of directors and the employee compensation for managerial officers during 2023
  17. The company proposes the second transfer for the third round of buyback its shares for transferring to its managerial officers
  18. The company proposes the second transfer for the third round of buyback its shares for transferring to its employees
  19. Proposal of by-election of one director of the Company
  20. The agenda of the Company’s 2024 Annual Shareholders’ Meeting

2024.01.18 The 6th Meeting of the Tenth Term

  1. Amendment to certain articles of the Company's “Risk Management Policy and Procedure”
  2. The performance evaluation for managerial officers as well as the proposal for the Year-End and Performance Incentive Bonus for managerial officers
  3. Review of the amendment of certain articles of the Regulation of the 2023 Employee Stock Option Plan
  4. The appointment of new internal audit officer of the Company
  5. Amendment to part of the “Authorizing Table”
  6. For the matter regarding the exercised FY2019 and FY2020 employee stock options to be registered to new common shares
  7. The Company proposes to increase the investment in the subsidiary of the Company, Power Flash (Samoa) Limited, and through the subsidiary Power Flash (Samoa) to set up a new subsidiary Power Storage Electronic (Xiamen) Limited in Xiamen, Fujian Province, China
  8. The Company evaluated the appointed CPAs independence and suitability
  9. The Company changes the CPA in accordance with the internal business adjustment of KPMG Taiwan

2023.11.07 The 5th Meeting of the Tenth Term

  1. The Company’s 2023 Nine Months Financial Statements
  2. The company proposed to issue the 2nd domestic unsecured convertible bonds
  3. The credit line of banks for the Company
  4. The trading line of foreign exchange and derivatives for the Company
  5. The Company proposed to engage in exchange SWAP transactions
  6. For the matter regarding the exercised FY2019 and FY2020 employee stock options to be registered to new common shares
  7. The company proposes to issue “Regulation of the 2023 Employee Stock Option Plan”
  8. Review the revised articles of “Rules of Share Repurchase and Transferring to the Employees”
  9. It is hereby submitted to the Board’s resolution associated with Phison’s planning to enter into Prepayment Agreement with the supplier Kioxia Taiwan Corporation that, Phison fulfills One Hundred and Twenty Million United States Dollars (“Prepayment”) to secure Kioxia Taiwan’s supplying required volume of NAND flash memory in 2024
  10. Proposal of the 2024 Annual Audit Plan
  11. Second-term members list of the Corporate Sustainable Development Committee
  12. Second-term members list of the Risk Management Committee

2023.08.04 The 4th Meeting of the Tenth Term

  1. The Company’s 2023 Six Months Financial Statements and the business operation report
  2. Adoption of the Proposal for Profits Distribution of Six Months Ended June 30, 2023
  3. Adoption of the Proposal for second cash dividend distribution of Six Months Ended June 30, 2023
  4. To discuss and approve the Revision of Company’s 2023 business plan
  5. The credit line of banks for the Company
  6. The trading line of foreign exchange and derivatives for the Company
  7. The appointment of new president of the Company

2023.07.28 The 3rd Meeting of the Tenth Term

  1. Regular performance evaluation of the Company's Directors and Managers, Managerial performance incentive bonus, and remuneration to Directors and Managers for 2022
  2. Deliberation on the employee stock trust plan proposed by the Company

2023.07.05 The 2ndt Meeting of the Tenth Term

  1. For the matter regarding the exercised FY2019 and FY2020 employee stock options to be registered to new common shares
  2. The company proposes the third round of buyback its shares for transferring to its employees
  3. Appointment of members of the 5th Remuneration Committee of the Company

2023.05.31 The 1st Meeting of the Tenth Term

  1. To elect a new chairman of the Tenth Term Board of Directors of the Company

2023.05.18 The 35rd Meeting of the Ninth Term

  1. Plan to lease a portion of land and the above-ground buildings at No. 620, Section 6, Zhonghua Road, Hsinchu City

2023.05.05 The 34rd Meeting of the Ninth Term

  1. The Company's financial statements for the 1st quarter of 2023
  2. The credit line of banks for the Company
  3. The credit line of foreign exchange and derivatives for the Company
  4. For the matter regarding the exercised FY2019 and FY2020 employee stock options to be registered to new common shares
  5. Reviewing revisions for the partial articles of “Payroll Management Regulation”
  6. Reviewing the proposal for the fixed annual salary adjustment for managerial officers
  7. Reviewing the proposal 2023 KPIs and compensation package for partial Senior Executive 

2023.04.20 The 33rd Meeting of the Ninth Term

  1. Amendments to the Company's Earnings Distribution Statement of 2022
  2. Amendments to Certain Provisions of the "Measures for the Transfer of the Repurchased Shares to Employees" of the Company
  3. The Board of Directors of the Company nominates and reviews the list of candidates for the nine directors (including three independent directors) of the tenth term of the Board of Directors for re-election at the Annual Shareholders' Meeting of 2023
  4. Release newly appointed Directors of the Company from non-compete restrictions

2023.03.15 The 32nd Meeting of the Ninth Term

  1. Distribution of Remuneration for Employees and Directors of the Company for the Year of 2022
  2. The Company's Business Report and Financial Statements of 2022
  3. Earnings Distribution statement of 2022
  4. The Company’s statements of distributed cash dividends from earnings for the second half of 2022
  5. Operation Plan for 2023
  6. The remuneration for the appointed CPAs of the Company for 2023 and 2024 and the assessment of the independence and competency of the appointed CPAs for 2023
  7. The Company’s Statement of Internal Control System for 2022
  8. Partial amendment to the Company's "Production Cycle" and "Approval Authority Table"
  9. The Company’s plan not to proceed with the private placement of common shares decided to be issued at 2022 regular meeting of shareholders
  10. The Company’s private placement of common shares 
  11. Partial amendment to the Company’s “Rules of Procedures of the Board of Directors”  
  12. Review of the compensation amount from profit payment to directors, and the amount and method rewarding employees who assume as director or manager concurrently from employee remuneration of 2022 
  13. Comprehensive re-election of directors 
  14. The Company’s plan to convene the 2023 annual shareholders’ meeting 

2023.01.12 The 31st Meeting of the Ninth Term

  1. Review of the 2023 Goal Setting Proposal upon Adjustment by the CEO and the General Manager of the Company
  2. Review of the regular performance evaluation and year-end performance incentive bonus payment plan of the mangers of the Company
  3. For the matter regarding the exercised second of FY2019 and first of FY2020 employee stock options to be registered to new common shares
  4.  The credit line of banks for the Company
  5.  The credit line of foreign exchange and derivatives for the Company

2022.12.20 The 30th Meeting of the Ninth Term

  1. The Company proposes to formulate the “ Operation Procedures for Handling Internal Material Information of Phison Electronics Corporation”
  2. Formulation of the Company's "Internal Material Information Processing Audit Procedure"
  3. Formulation of the Company's "General Policy for Prior Approval of Non-Convinced Services"
  4.  Formulation of the "Tax Governance Policy" of the Company
  5.  Partial amendment to the Company’s accounting system regulations
  6.  Discussion of amendments to the Company's "Audit Plan for the Year 2023"

2022.11.04 The 29th Meeting of the Ninth Term

  1. The Company's financial statements for the 3rd quarter of 2022
  2. The Company proposes to evaluate the CPA independence and suitability
  3. The credit line of banks for the Company
  4. The credit line of foreign exchange and derivatives for the Company
  5. Partial amendment to "Regulations for the Employee Welfare Committee” of the Company’s internal system
  6. Formulation of the "Information and Communication Security Control Procedures" and "Information and Communication Security Control Audit Procedures” of the Company
  7. Formulation of the Company’s 2022 Audit Plan
  8. Amendments to the “Corporate Governance Best-Practice Principles” of the Company 

2022.08.19 The 28th Meeting of the Ninth Term

  1. Proposal of the cancellation of the list of managers for the employee stock option certificates issued by the Company for the first time in Year 2021
  2. The Company's register of managerial officers and the subscription price list for the first issue of employee stock option certificates under the “FY2022 Employee Stock Option Plan and Share Subscription Procedures”
  3. The Company proposes to authorize its representative to register the establishment of the Indian subsidiary
  4. Proposal of the cancellation of the employee stock option certificates issued by the Company for the first time in Year 2021
  5. The Company's register and the subscription price list for the first issue of employee stock option certificates under the “FY2022 Employee Stock Option Plan and Share Subscription Procedures”
  6. The Company proposes to repurchase the issued shares of the Company and transfer them to the employees, and revise the " Measures for the Transfer of the Repurchased Shares to Employees" in accordance with the requirements of the Financial Supervisory Commission
  7. Review of the list of managers who have resigned from the Company

2022.07.29 The 27th Meeting of the Ninth Term

  1. Financial Statements and Business Report of the Company for the Second Quarter (First Half of the Year) of 2022
  2. Earnings Distribution Table for the first half of 2022
  3. The credit line of banks for the Company
  4. The credit line of foreign exchange and derivatives for the Company
  5. Early Termination of the Lease of the Building on the 1st Floor of Super Storage Technology Corp.(SSTEK), which is a 2nd-tier sub-subsidiary of the Company
  6. Partial amendment to the "Internal Audit System” of the Company
  7. Preparation of the Company’s "Procedures for Audit of Measures for the Transfer of the Repurchased Shares to Employees”
  8. Review of the amendments to the "Meals Management Measures" of the Company
  9. Review of the proposals for the regular performance evaluation of the directors and managers of the Company and the performance incentive bonus for the managers, and the payment of directors' remuneration and managers' employee remuneration for the year of 2021.

2022.07.15 The 26th Meeting of the Ninth Term

  1. The Company proposes to repurchase the issued shares of the Company and transfer them to the employees
  2. The Company proposes to formulate the "FY2022 Employee Stock Option Plan and Share Subscription Procedures"

2022.06.02 The 25th Meeting of the Ninth Term

  1. The Company proposes to exchange its shares in UD info Corp. for new shares issued by UD info Corp
  2. The Company proposes to establish a joint venture with Emtops Electronics Corp., Ltd., a 100%-owned subsidiary of the Company, to establish an Indian subsidiary

2022.05.06 The 24th Meeting of the Ninth Term

  1. The Company's 2022 1st quarter financial statements
  2. The credit line of banks for the Company
  3. The credit line of foreign exchange and derivatives for the Company

2022.04.07 The 23rd Meeting of the Ninth Term

  1. Partial amendment to "Regulations for the Employee Welfare Committee” and “Implementation Measures for the Employee Welfare Committee” of the Company’s internal system
  2. Partial amendment to the Company's “Articles of Association”
  3. Partial amendment to “Rules of Procedure for Shareholders’ Meeting”
  4. List of one director candidates nominated for by-election at the 2022 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders
  5. The Company’s plan to add new items to be discussed at the 2022 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders

2022.03.04 The 22nd Meeting of the Ninth Term

  1. The Company’s remuneration distribution plan of 2021 for employees and directors
  2. The Company’s business report and financial statements of 2021
  3. The Company’s earnings distribution statement of 2021
  4. The Company’s statements of distributed cash dividends from earnings for the second half of 2021
  5. The Company’s operation plan for 2022
  6. The credit line of banks for the Company
  7. The credit line of foreign exchange and derivatives for the Company
  8. The Company’s Statement of Internal Control System for 2021
  9. Partial amendment to the Company's “Production Cycle”, “Purchase and Payment Cycle” and "Approval Authority Table"
  10. The Company’s plan not to proceed with the private placement of common shares decided to be issued at 2021 regular meeting of shareholders
  11. The Company’s private placement of common shares
  12. Partial amendment to the Company’s “Procedures for Acquisition or Disposal of Assets”
  13. Partial amendment to the Company’s “Procedures for Lending Funds to Other Parties”
  14. Partial amendment to the Company’s “Procedures for Endorsement and Guarantee”
  15. Designation of the special seal custodian for the Company’s seal for endorsement and guarantee
  16. By-election of the Company’s one director
  17. Review of the compensation amount from profit payment to directors, and the amount and method rewarding employees who assume as director or manager concurrently from employee remuneration of 2021
  18. Review of the annual fixed salary adjustment and payment plan for managers of the Company
  19. The Company’s plan to convene the 2022 annual shareholders’ meeting

2022.01.21 The 21st Meeting of the Ninth Term

  1. The credit line of banks for the Company
  2. The credit line of foreign exchange and derivatives for the Company
  3. The Company’s plan to purchase a plot of land at Guangyuan Section, Zhunan Township, Miaoli County
  4. The Company’s plan to participate in a bidding of Miaoli County Government to bid for a plot of land at Datong Section, Zhunan Township, Miaoli County
  5. The performance evaluation for managerial officers as well as the proposal for the Year-End and Performance Incentive Bonus for managerial officers
  6. Review of the 2022 Goal Setting Proposal by the CEO and the general manager of the Company
  7. Review of the Company's new manager list
  8. Review of the list of managers who have resigned from the Company

2021.12.17 The 20th Meeting of the Ninth Term

  1. The Company’s proposal to acquire 51% shares of Nextorage Corporation
  2. Authorization of the Company’s transactions with the bank
  3. Change of the managerial officers for the Company’s ZhuNan Branch

2021.11.26 The 19th Meeting of the Ninth Term

  1. The Company’s proposal to change the certified accounting firm and the certified accountants
  2. Partial amendment to the Company’s “Approval Authority Table”
  3. The Company’s internal audit related work

2021.11.18 The 18th Meeting of the Ninth Term

  1. The Company’s proposal for re-election of the chairman of the board of directors

2021.11.05 The 17th Meeting of the Ninth Term

  1. The Company's financial statements for the 3rd quarter of 2021
  2. Partial amendment to the Company’s accounting system regulations
  3. The credit line of banks for the Company
  4. The credit line of foreign exchange and derivatives for the Company
  5. The Company’s amendment of “FY2021 Employee Stock Option Plan and Share Subscription Procedures”
  6. The Company's register of managerial officers and the subscription price list for the first issue of employee stock option certificates under the “FY2021 Employee Stock Option Plan and Share Subscription Procedures”
  7. The Company's register and the subscription price list for the first issue of employee stock option certificates under the “FY2021 Employee Stock Option Plan and Share Subscription Procedures”
  8. Partial amendment to the Company’s “Payroll and Personnel Cycle”
  9. Formulation of the Company’s 2022 Audit Plan
  10. The Company’s establishment of the Risk Management Committee
  11. The Company’s establishment of the Corporate Sustainability Management Committee

2021.09.22 The 16th Meeting of the Ninth Term

  1. The Company’s establishment of “FY2021 Employee Stock Option Plan and Share Subscription Procedures”
  2. The credit line of banks for the Company
  3. The credit line of foreign exchange and derivatives for the Company

2021.08.06 The 15th Meeting of the Ninth Term

  1. Proposal to appoint the Company’s first corporate governance director
  2. The Company's financial report and business report for the second quarter (the first half) of 2021
  3. The Company’s earnings distribution table for the first half of 2021
  4. The Company’s proposal to change the funding source for purchase of land and the buildings at Liyuan Section, Xiangshan District, Hsinchu City
  5. Amendment to the operation plan of the Company for 2021
  6. The Company’s plan to issue the first domestic unsecured convertible corporate bonds
  7. The credit line of banks for the Company
  8. The credit line of foreign exchange and derivatives for the Company

2021.07.28 The 14th Meeting of the Ninth Term

  1. Review of the regular performance evaluation for directors, supervisors and managerial officers as well as the proposal for provision of performance-based incentive bonus to managerial officers and compensation to directors, supervisors, the managerial officers during 2020
  2. Proposal to lease the fourth floor space of SUPER STORAGE TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION
  3. Partial amendment to the Company’s "Operation Management of the Remuneration Committee" and "Auditing Procedures for Operation Management of the Remuneration Committee”

2021.07.06 The 13th Meeting of the Ninth Term

  1. The Company’s proposal to sign Letter of Intent and the corresponding final agreement with the supplier, and pay the deposit as agreed on to ensure the wafer production capacity from 2023 to 2028
  2. The Company’s proposal to increase the investment in Power Flash (Samoa) Limited, a subsidiary, to a limit of US$1,600 thousand and establish a new company named Power Storage Technology (Shenzhen) Limited (tentative name) by indirect investment in Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, China
  3. The Company's proposal to change the date, time and venue of the 2021 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders

2021.05.27 The 12th Meeting of the Ninth Term

  1. The Company’s purchase of land and the buildings at Liyuan Section, Xiangshan District, Hsinchu City
  2. Partial amendment to the Company's “Meal Management Measures”
  3. Review of the 2021 Goal Setting Proposal upon Adjustment by the CEO and the general manager of the Company
  4. Review of the list of managers who have resigned from the Company
  5. The Company's proposal to change the venue of the 2021 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders

2021.03.11 The 10th Meeting of the Ninth Term

  1. Remuneration distribution for employees and directors, supervisors for 2020
  2. 2020 Business Report and Financial Statements
  3. Earnings Distribution Table for 2020
  4. 2020 Statement of Internal Control System
  5. Company decides the private placement of common shares in 2020 regular meeting of shareholders and plans not to handle offering and issuance
  6. Amendments to the "Procedures for Acquisition or Disposal of Assets", "Derivative Commodity Transaction Processing Procedures", "Procedures for Loaning of Funds to Others," and "Procedures for Making of Endorsements/Guarantees"
  7. Private placement for common shares of the Company
  8. Operation plan of the Company for 2021
  9. Amendment to the Company's "Production Cycle" and "Authorizing Table"
  10. Amendment to the Company's "Articles of Incorporation"
  11. Amendment to the Company's “Articles of Procedures of Election of Directors” (formerly known as the “Procedures of Election of Directors and Supervisors”)
  12. Amendment to the Company's "Code of Conduct" (formerly known as the “Code of Conduct for Directors, Supervisors and Managers”)
  13. Amendment to " Regulations for Remuneration Committee"
  14. Appointment and compensation to CPAs who provides audit service for the year of 2021
  15. The Company replaces CPAs cooperating with the internal adjustment mechanism of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited
  16. Review the bonus amount of profit payment to directors, supervisors and amount and method rewarded to employees who assume as directors, managers concurrently in employee remuneration
  17. The Company convened the 2021 annual shareholders’ meeting

2021.01.29 The 9th Meeting of the Ninth Term

  1. Review of the Company's new manager list
  2. The performance evaluation for managerial officers as well as the proposal for the Year-End and Performance Incentive Bonus for managerial officers
  3. The credit line of banks for the Company
  4. The credit line of foreign exchange and derivatives for the Company
  5. Amendment to "Rules of Procedure for Board Meeting"
  6. Amendment to "Duty Scope of Independent Director"
  7. Amendment to "Procedures for Halt and Resumption Applications"
  8. Amendment to "Management Operation of Avoiding Insider Trading" and "Auditing Procedures of the Insider Trading"
  9. Amendment to "Authorizing Table"
  10. The Company proposed to evaluate the CPA independence and suitability

2020.11.30 The 8th Meeting of the Ninth Term

  1. The subsidiary of the Company, Core Storage Electronic (Samoa) Limited, proposes to participate in the capital increase of HOSIN Global Electronics Co., Ltd, with the consideration of Core Storage held 24.41% of 合肥兆芯電子有限公司’s paid-in capital
  2. To approve the revisions of the “2021 Annual Audit Plan”

2020.11.12 The 7th Meeting of the Ninth Term

  1. Amendment the partial articles of the” Payroll Regulation”
  2. The Company proposed to establish “Methods to Evaluate Performance of the Board of Directors”
  3. Review of family day special bonus and special incentive bonus for managerial officers
  4. Consolidated Financial Statements for the Nine Months Ended September 30, 2020 and 2019
  5. The credit line of banks for the Company
  6. The trading line of foreign exchange and derivatives for the Company
  7. Resolution: The new construction project of the Company plant with the affiliated loading/unloading parking garage
  8. Amendment to the “Property, plant and equipment cycle”, “Management of Property, Plant and Equipment”, “Labor and wage cycle” and the “Authorizing Table”
  9. The proposal of the “2021 Annual Audit Plan”
  10. Amendment the partial articles of the” Code of Conduct”
  11. The Company proposed to revise “Corporate Governance Best Practice Principles”

2020.10.05 The 6th Meeting of the Ninth Term

  1. To cancel the firstly issue of the “FY2019 Employee Stock Option Plan” for managerial officers
  2. The List of first issuing Employee Stock Option under the “FY2020 Employee Stock Option Plan” for managerial officers
  3. To amend the List of second issuing Employee Stock Option under the “FY2019 Employee Stock Option Plan” for managerial officers
  4. To cancel the firstly issue of the “FY2019 Employee Stock Option Plan”
  5. To discuss the List of first issuing Employee Stock Option under the “FY2020 Employee Stock Option Plan”
  6. To adjusted the List of second issuing Employee Stock Option under the “FY2019 Employee Stock Option Plan” for employee

2020.08.13 The 5th Meeting of the Ninth Term

  1. Consolidated Financial Statements for the Six Months Ended June 30, 2020 and 2019
  2. The credit line of banks for the Company
  3. The trading line of foreign exchange and derivatives for the Company
  4. The Company proposed to establish “Corporate Governance Best Practice Principles”
  5. The Company proposed to establish “Corporate Social Responsibility Best Practice Principles”
  6. The Company proposed to establish “Ethical Corporate Management Best Practice Principles”

2020.08.04 The 4th Meeting of the Ninth Term

  1. The Company proposes to increase the investment in the subsidiary of the Company, Regis Investment (Samoa) Limited (“Regis Investment”), for its re-investment in the subsidiary of the Company, RealYou Investment Limited (“RealYou Investment” ), in order that the RealYou Investment could purchase the shares of the HOSIN Global Electronics Co., Ltd ( “Hosin”) from another subsidiary of the Company, 合肥億超電子科技有限公司(“合肥億超”)
  2. The subsidiary of the Company, Core Storage Electronic (Samoa) Limited (“Core Storage” ), proposes to transfer 46.48% of its paid-in capital of合肥兆芯電子有限公司 (“合肥兆芯”) to 深圳宏芯創企業管理合夥企業 (“宏芯創”) and 深圳宏芯微企業管理合夥企業 (“宏芯微”), and the consideration will be paid by cash
  3. The subsidiary of the Company, Core Storage, proposes to participate in the capital increase of Hosin, with the consideration of Core Storage held 24.59% of 合肥兆芯’s paid-in capital of

2020.07.30 The 3rd Meeting of the Ninth Term

  1. Review the Performance Evaluation for directors, supervisors and managerial officers as well as the proposal for the Compensation of directors, supervisors during 2019 and the Performance Incentive Bonus and the Employee Compensation during 2019 for managerial officers

2020.07.14 The 2nd Meeting of the Ninth Term

  1. To appoint the fourth session remuneration committee members
  2. Review the amendment to the “Regulations for Remuneration Committee”
  3. To approve the revisions of the “2020 Annual Audit Plan”
  4. Amendment to the “The Internal Audit system”
  5. The Company plans to dispose of all KINGSTON SOLUTIONS INC.’s stocks

2020.06.03 The 1st Meeting of the Ninth Term

  1. To elect a new chairman of the Ninth Term Board of Directors of the Company

2020.05.21 The 34th Meeting of the Eighth Term

  1. The Company plans to invest Nextorage Corporation and acquires 49% shares

2020.05.13 The 33rd Meeting of the Eighth Term

  1. Review of the List and Remuneration of the Company’s New Managers
  2. The Resolution on the Regular Performance Evaluation and Annual Fixed Remuneration Adjustment and Distribution Plan of the Company’s Manager
  3. The Resolution on the Company’s Financial Report for the 1st Quarter in 2020
  4. The Resolution on the Company’s Proposal to Establish an Audit Committee and Formulate an Articles of the Audit Committee

2020.04.23 The 32nd Meeting of the Eighth Term

  1. Amendment to “Articles of Association” of the Company
  2. The Board of Directors nominates and reviews 2020 list of candidates for the nine seats of the ninth Board of Directors (including three Independent Directors) to be elected
  3. Release newly appointed Directors of the Company from non-compete restrictions
  4. The credit line of banks for the Company
  5. The credit line of foreign exchange and derivatives for the Company

2020.03.27 The 31st Meeting of the Eighth Term

  1. The List of second issuing Employee Stock Option under the “FY2019 Employee Stock Option Plan” for managerial officers
  2. The List of second issuing Employee Stock Option under the “FY2019 Employee Stock Option Plan”
  3. Accounting director transaction
  4. The Company buys back and transfers the issued shares of the Company to the employees according to Article 28(2) of Securities Exchange Act and "Measures for TWSE/TPEx-Listed Companies Buying Back the Shares of the Company" of Securities and Futures Bureau, Financial Supervisory Commission
  5. The Company establishes “FY2020 Employee Stock Option Plan”

2020.03.16 The 30th Meeting of the Eighth Term

  1. Remuneration distribution for employees and directors, supervisors for 2019
  2. Review the bonus amount of profit payment to directors, supervisors and amount and method rewarded to employees who assume as directors, supervisors concurrently in employee remuneration
  3. Review the special performance evaluation and distribution of special performance incentive bonus to managers
  4. The annual business report and financial statements of the Company for 2019
  5. The surplus distribution of the Company for 2019
  6. General re-elections of the directors
  7. Operation plan of the Company for 2020
  8. Amendment to “Articles of Association” of the Company
  9. 2019 Internal Control System Statement
  10. Amendment to part of the Company's “Rules of Procedure for Board of Directors Meetings.”
  11. The Company decides the private placement of common shares in 2019 regular meeting of shareholders and plans not to handle offering and issuance
  12. The Company handling the private common shares
  13. The Company convened the 2020 annual shareholders’ meeting

2020.01.17 The 29th Meeting of the Eighth Term

  1. The performance evaluation for managerial officers as well as the proposal for the Year-End and Performance Incentive Bonus for managerial officers
  2. The Company proposed to evaluate the CPA independence and suitability
  3. The credit line of banks for the Company
  4. The credit line of foreign exchange and derivatives for the Company
  5. The Company engaged in the cash injection increase plan of "Phisontech Electronics Taiwan Corp."
  6. Amendment to part of "Measures for Financial Statement Preparation Procedure Management", "Management Auditing of Financial Statement Preparation Procedures," "Measures for Management of Liability Preparation and Contingent Matters," "Auditing of Measures for Liability Preparation and Contingent Matters Management," and "Authorizing Table"
  7. Amendment to part of "Financial and Operational Information Management," "Auditing of Financial and Operational Information Management"
  8. Jhunan Phase V Plant Building Construction Project

2019.12.20 The 28th Meeting of the Eighth Term

  1. Plan to sign a long-term supply contract from 2020 to 2022, and prepay US$8,280,000 before the first quarter of 2020 (i.e. 10% of the 2020 payment)

2019.12.20 The 27th Meeting of the Eighth Term

  1. The List of first issuing Employee Stock Option under the “FY2019 Employee Stock Option Plan” for managerial officers
  2. The List of first issuing Employee Stock Option under the “FY2019 Employee Stock Option Plan”

2019.11.11 The 25th Meeting of the Eighth Term

  1. Reviewing the new managerial officers, to be submitted by the Company, for the remuneration pre-examination executed by the Remuneration Committee
  2. Review the Remuneration of the managerial officers to be newly appointed
  3. The Company's Q3 2019 Consolidated Financial Statements
  4. The Company established "FY2019 Employee Stock Option Plan"
  5. The credit line of banks for the Company
  6. The credit line of foreign exchange and derivatives for the Company
  7. The proposal of the “2019 Annual Audit Plan”

2019.10.28 The 24th Meeting of the Eighth Term

  1. The Company plans to handle corporate organization structure adjustment in the group

2019.09.17 The 23rd Meeting of the Eighth Term

  1. Amendment to part of the “Authorizing Table”
  2. Phison plans to make additional equity investment in cash in 100%-owned subsidiary Global Flash Limited and transfers this fund to invest in Core Storage Electronic (Samoa) Limited and re-investment the subsidiary in China Hefei Core Storage Electronic Limited

2019.08.27 The 22nd Meeting of the Eighth Term

  1. Purchase of Land in Jhunan Township, Miaoli County by the Company

2019.08.12 The 21st Meeting of the Eighth Term

  1. The Company's Q2 2019 Consolidated Financial Statements
  2. The credit line of banks for the Company
  3. The credit line of foreign exchange and derivatives for the Company

2019.07.26 The 20th Meeting of the Eighth Term

  1. Review the Performance Evaluation for directors, supervisors and managerial officers as well as the proposal for the Compensation of directors, supervisors during 2018 and the Performance Incentive Bonus and the Employee Compensation during 2018 for managerial officers
  2. The meeting schedule of the Remuneration Committee for the year 2020
  3. Amendment to part of Accounting System of the Company
  4. The indirect holding subsidiary, Fast Choice Global Limited (BVI) and Cloud Solution Global Limited (BVI) of the Company plans to handle dissolving and liquidation

2019.07.01 The 19th Meeting of the Eighth Term

  1. The Company plans to invest in the establishment of a US subsidiary through its subsidiary Emtops Electronics Corporation

2019.05.10 The 18th Meeting of the Eighth Term

  1. The performance evaluation for managerial officers as well as the proposal for the fixed annual salary adjustment for managerial officers
  2. Consolidated Financial Statements for the Three Months Ended March 31, 2019 and 2018
  3. To approve the establishment of “Standard Operating Procedures for handling requirements of Directors”
  4. The company designated the authorized person to make guarantee agreement when making a guarantee for an overseas company
  5. The credit line of banks for the Company
  6. The credit line of foreign exchange and derivatives for the Company
  7. Amendment to the “Property, plant and equipment cycle” and the “Management of Property, Plant and Equipment”
  8. To approve the revisions to “Procedures for Acquisition or Disposal of Assets”

2019.03.21 The 17th Meeting of the Eighth Term

  1. The 2018 employee compensation payment and director remuneration
  2. The consideration of the remuneration of board of directors and the employee compensation for managerial directors during 2018
  3. The business operation report and the financial statements of the Company for Year 2018
  4. Adoption of the Proposal for Distribution of 2018 Profits
  5. To discuss and approve the Company’s 2019 business plan
  6. Amendment to part of the Articles of Association of the Company
  7. Amendment to part of the “Procedures for Acquisition or Disposal of Assets”, “Procedures for Engaging in Derivatives Trading”, “Procedures for Lending Funds to Other Parties”, “Procedures for Endorsement and Guarantee”
  8. Amendment to the “Authorizing Table”
  9. To approve the Internal Control System Statement of Year 2018
  10. To approve the revisions of internal control systems to “Implementation Rules of the Employee Welfare Committee”
  11. The Company proposed to cancelled the private placement of new common shares
  12. Proposal for the issuance plan of private placement for common shares
  13. To discuss and approve the agenda of the Company’s 2019 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders
  14. For the matter of changing the Company’s appointed Certified Public Accountants
  15. The Company plan invest “EMTOPS ELECTRONICS CORP.” cash injection increase plan

2019.01.25 The 16th Meeting of the Eighth Term

  1. Reviewing the new managerial officers, to be submitted by the company, for the remuneration pre-examination executed by the Remuneration Committee
  2. Review the Remuneration of the managerial officers to be newly appointed
  3. The performance evaluation for managerial officers as well as the proposal for the Year-End and Performance Incentive Bonus for managerial officers
  4. The Company proposed evaluate the CPA independence and suitability
  5. The credit line of banks for the Company
  6. The credit line of foreign exchange and derivatives for the Company

The summary of communication between Independent Directors of the Company and CPA

2024.08.14 The summary of communication between Independent Directors of the Company and CPA

Contents Results
  1. The CPA state they and the firm have follow the rule of CPA independences.
  2. The CPA explains the responsibilities of the CPA firm、the BODs and the Audit Committee to governance the Company.
  3. The CPA explains their reviewed results of the Company's financial statements of 2Q/2024 ; including the scope and method of the review, key review matters and the company's governing situation, of related parties.
  4. The CPA explains the recently rules or Interpretations issued by competent authorities.
  1. The CPA issued "qualified audited reports" to the company's 2Q/2024 financial reports. The Independent Directors have understood the accountant’s explainations and has no opinion on the audit matter and the audit conclusion.

2024.05.10 The summary of communication between Independent Directors of the Company and CPA

Contents Results
  1. The CPA state they and the firm have follow the rule of CPA independences.
  2. The CPA explains the responsibilities of the CPA firm、the BODs and the Audit Committee to governance the Company. 
  3. The CPA explains their reviewed results of the Company's financial statements of 1Q/2024 ; including the scope and method of the review, key review matters and the company's governing situation, of related parties.
  4. The CPA explains the recently rules or Interpretations issued by competent authorities.
  1. The CPA issued "qualified audited reports" to the company's 1Q/2024 financial reports. The Independent Directors have understood the accountant’s explainations and has no opinion on the audit matter and the audit conclusion. 

2024.03.08 The summary of communication between Independent Directors of the Company and CPA

Contents Results
  1. The CPA state they and the firm have follow the rule of CPA independences.
  2. The CPA explains the responsibilities of the CPA firm、the BODs and the Audit Committee to governance the Company.
  3. The CPA explains their audited results of the Company's financial statements of 2023 ; including the scope and method of the review, key audit matters and the company's governing situation, of related parties.
  4. The CPA explains the recently rules or Interpretations issued by competent authorities.
  5. The CPA responds and discusses the questions Independent Directors raised.
  1. The CPA issued "unqualified audited reports" to the company's 2023 financial reports. The Independent Directors have understood the accountant’s explanations and has no opinion on the audit matter and the audit conclusion.

2023.11.07 The summary of communication between Independent Directors of the Company and CPA

Contents Results
  1. The CPA state they and the firm have follow the rule of CPA independences.
  2. The CPA explains the responsibilities of the CPA firm、the BODs and the Audit Committee to governance the Company.
  3. The CPA explains their reviewed results of the Company's financial statements of 3Q/2023 ; including the scope and method of the review, key review matters and the company's governing situation, of related parties.
  4. The CPA explains their audit plan of the Company's financial statement of 2023.
  1. The CPA issued "qualified audited reports" to the company's 3Q/2023 financial reports. The Independent Directors have understood the accountant’s explanations and has no opinion on the audit matter and the audit conclusion.
  2. The Independent Directors and CPA will have a communication after the audited of 2023 financial reports finished.

2023.08.04 The summary of communication between Independent Directors of the Company and CPA

Contents Results
  1. The CPA state they and the firm have follow the rule of CPA independences.
  2. The CPA explains the responsibilities of the CPA firm、the BODs and the Audit Committee to governance the Company.
  3. The CPA explains their reviewed results of the Company's financial statements of 2Q/2023 ; including the scope and method of the review, key review matters and the company's governing situation, of related parties.
  4. The CPA explains the recently rules or Interpretations issued by competent authorities.
  1. The CPA issued "qualified audited reports" to the company's 2Q/2023 financial reports. The Independent Directors have understood the accountant’s explainations and has no opinion on the audit matter and the audit conclusion.

2023.05.05 The summary of communication between Independent Directors of the Company and CPA

Contents Results
  1. The CPA state they and the firm have follow the rule of CPA independences.
  2. The CPA explains the responsibilities of the CPA firm、the BODs and the Audit Committee to governance the Company.
  3. The CPA explains their reviewed results of the Company's financial statements of 1Q/2023 ; including the scope and method of the review, key review matters and the company's governing situation, of related parties.
  4. The CPA explains the recently rules or Interpretations issued by competent authorities.
  1. The CPA issued "qualified audited reports" to the company's 1Q/2023 financial reports. The Independent Directors have understood the accountant’s explainations and has no opinion on the audit matter and the audit conclusion.

2023.03.15 The summary of communication between Independent Directors of the Company and CPA

Contents Results
  1. The CPA state they and the firm have follow the rule of CPA independences.
  2. The CPA explains the responsibilities of the CPA firm, the BODs and the Audit Committee to governance the Company.
  3. The CPA explains their audited results of the Company's financial statements of 2022 ; including the scope and method of the audit, key audit matters and the company's governing situation, of related parties.
  4. The CPA explains the recently rules or Interpretations issued by competent authorities.
  5. The CPA responds and discusses the questions Independent Directors rise.
  1. The CPA issued "unqualified audited reports" to the company's 2022 financial reports. The Independent Directors have understood the accountant’s explainations and has no opinion on the audit matter and the audit conclusion.

2022.11.04 The summary of communication between Independent Directors of the Company and CPA

Contents Results
  1. The CPA state they and the firm have follow the rule of CPA independences.
  2. The CPA explains the responsibilities of the CPA firm、the BODs and the Audit Committee to governance the Company.
  3. The CPA explains their reviewed results of the Company's financial statements of 3Q/2022 ; including the scope and method of the review, key review matters and the company's governing situation, of related parties.
  4. The CPA explans their audit plan of the Company's financial statement of 2022.
  5. The CPA explains the recently rules or Interpretations issued by competent authorities.
  6. The CPA responds and discusses the questions Independent Directors rise.
  1. The CPA issued "qualified audited reports" to the company's 3Q/2022 financial reports. The Independent Directors have understood the accountant’s explainations and has no opinion on the audit matter and the audit conclusion.
  2. The Independent Directors and CPA will have a communication after the audited of 2022 financial reports finished.

2022.07.29 The summary of communication between Independent Directors of the Company and CPA

Contents Results
  1. The CPA state they and the firm have follow the rule of CPA independences.
  2. The CPA explains the responsibilities of the CPA firm、the BODs and the Audit Committee to governance the Company.
  3. The CPA explains their reviewed results of the Company's financial statements of 2Q/2022 ; including the scope and method of the review, key review matters and the company's governing situation, of related parties.
  4. The CPA explains the recently rules or Interpretations issued by competent authorities.
  5. The CPA responds and discusses the questions Independent Directors rise.
The CPA issued "qualified audited reports" to the company's 2Q/2022 financial reports. The Independent Directors have understood the accountant’s explainations and has no opinion on the audit matter and the audit conclusion.

2022.05.06 The summary of communication between Independent Directors of the Company and CPA

Contents Results
  1. The CPA state they and the firm have follow the rule of CPA independences.
  2. The CPA explains the responsibilities of the CPA firm、the BODs and the Audit Committee to governance the Company.
  3. The CPA explains their reviewed results of the Company's financial statements of 1Q/2022 ; including the scope and method of the review, key review matters and the company's governing situation, of related parties.
  4. The CPA explains the recently rules or Interpretations issued by competent authorities.
The CPA issued "qualified audited reports" to the company's 1Q/2022 financial reports. The Independent Directors have understood the accountant’s explanations and has no opinion on the audit matter and the audit conclusion.

2022.03.04 The summary of communication between Independent Directors of the Company and CPA

Contents Results
  1. The CPA state they and the firm have follow the rule of CPA independences.
  2. The CPA explains the responsibilities of the BODs and the Audit Committee to governance the Company.
  3. The CPA explains their audited results of the Company's financial statements of 2021 ; including the scope and method of the audit, key audit matters and the company's governing situation, of related parties.
  4. The CPA explains the recently rules or Interpretations issued by competent authorities.
  5. The CPA responds and discusses the questions Independent Directors raised.
The CPA issued "unqualified audited reports" to the company's 2021 financial reports. The Independent Directors have understood the accountant’s explainations and has no opinion on the audit matter and the audit conclusion.

2021.12.06 The summary of communication between Independent Directors of the Company and CPA

Contents Results
  1. The new CPA introduce their audit team.
  2. The CPA explans their audit plan of the Company's financial statement of 2021; including the scope and method of the audit and the risk description and response procedures for key audit matters.
  3. The CPA responds and discusses the questions Independent Directors rise.
The Independent Directors have understood the CPA's explanation and ask the CPA approaching the plan. The Independent Directors and CPA will have a communication after the audited of 2021 financial reports finished.

2021.11.05 The summary of communication between Independent Directors of the Company and CPA

Contents Results
  1. The CPA explains the responsibilities of the BODs and the Audit Committee to governance the Company.
  2. The CPA state they and the firm have follow the rule of CPA independences.
  3. The CPA explains their revieded results of the Company's financial statement of 2021Q3 ; including the company's governing situation, of related parties.
  4. The CPA explans their audit plan of the Company's financial statement of 2021; including the scope and method of the audit and the risk description and response procedures for key audit matters.
  5. The CPA responds and discusses the questions Independent Directors raised.
The CPA issued "unqualified reviewed reports" to the company's 2021Q3 consolidated financial report. The Independent Directors have understood the accountant’s explainations and has no opinion on the audit matter and the audit conclusion. The Independent Directors and CPA will have a communication after the audited of 2021 financial reports finished.

2021.08.06 The summary of communication between Independent Directors of the Company and CPA

Contents Results
  1. The CPA explains the responsibilities of the BODs and the Audit Committee to governance the Company. 
  2. The CPA state they and the firm have follow the rule of CPA independences.
  3. The CPA explains their revieded results of the Company's financial statement of 2021Q2 ; including the company's governing situation, of related parties.
  4. The CPA responds and discusses the questions Independent Directors raised.
The CPA issued "unqualified reviewed reports" to the company's 2021Q2 consolidated financial report. The Independent Directors have understood the accountant’s explanations and has no opinion on the audit matter and the audit conclusion.

2021.05.10 The summary of communication between Independent Directors of the Company and CPA

Contents Results
  1. The CPA explains the responsibilities of the BODs and the Audit Committee to governance the Company.
  2. The CPA state they and the firm have follow the rule of CPA independences.
  3. The CPA explains their revieded results of the Company's financial statement of 2021Q1 ; including the company's governing situation, of related parties.
  4. The CPA responds and discusses the questions Independent Directors raised.
The CPA issued "unqualified reviewed reports" to the company's 2021Q1 consolidated financial report. The Independent Directors have understood the accountant’s explanations and has no opinion on the audit matter and the audit conclusion.

2021.03.11 The summary of communication between Independent Directors of the Company and CPA

Contents Results
  1. The CPA explains the responsibilities of the BODs and the Audit Committee to governance the Company.
  2. The CPA state they and the firm have follow the rule of CPA independences.
  3. The CPA explains their audited results of the Company's financial statement of 2020 ; including the company's governing situation, the audited results of key audit matters and identification of related parties.
  4. The CPA explains the recently rules or Interpretations issued by competent authorities.
  5. The CPA responds and discusses the questions Independent Directors raised.
The CPA issued "unqualified audit reports with emphasis of matter paragraph" to the company's 2020 consolidated financial report and individual financial report. The Independent Directors have understood the accountant’s explainations and has no opinion on the audit matter and the audit conclusion.

2020.11.18 The summary of communication between Independent Directors of the Company and CPA

Contents Results
  1. The CPA explains the responsibility of the BODs to governance the Company.
  2. The CPA explains their reviewed results of the Company's financial statement of 2020 nine months.
  3. The CPA state they and the firm have follow the rule of CPA independences.
  4. The CPA explains their audit plan of the Company's financial statement of 2020; including the scope and method of the audit and the risk description and response procedures for key audit matters.
  5. The CPA responds and discusses the questions Independent Directors rise.
The Independent Directors have understood the CPA's explanation and ask the CPA approaching the plan. The Independent Directors and CPA will have a communication after the audited of 2020 financial reports finished.

2020.03.16 The summary of communication between Independent Directors/Supervisors(the Members) of the Company and CPA

Contents Results
  1. The CPA explains the responsibility of the Members and the directors to governance the Company.
  2. The CPA state they and the firm have follow the rule of CPA independences.
  3. The CPA explains their audit results of the Company's financial statement of 2019; including the scope and method of the audit and the risk description and response procedures for key audit matters.
  4. The CPA explains the recently rules or explanation issued by competent authorities
  5. The CPA responds and discusses the questions the Members rise.
The CPA issued "unqualified audit reports with emphasis of matter paragraph" to the company's 2019 consolidated financial report and individual financial report. The Members have understood the accountant’s explanation and has no opinion on the audit matter and the audit conclusion.

2019.12.16 The summary of communication between Independent Directors/Supervisors(the Members) of the Company and CPA

Contents Results
  1. The CPA explains the responsibility of the Members and the directors to improve the company's financial statement preparation ability.
  2. The CPA explans their audit plans of the Company's financial statement of 2019; including the scope and method of the audit and the risk description and response procedures for key audit matters.
  3. The CPA responds and discusses the questions the Members rise.
The Members have understood the CPA's explanation and ask the CPA approaching the plan. The Members and CPA will have a communication after the audited of 2019 financial reports finished.

2018.11.28 The summary of communication between Independent Directors/Supervisors(the Members) of the Company and CPA

Contents Results
  1. he CPA explains the responsibility of the Members and the directors to improve the company's financial statement preparation ability.
  2. The CPA explains their audit plans of the Company's financial statement of 2018; including the scope and method of the audit and the risk description and response procedures for key audit matters.
  3. The CPA responds and discusses the questions the Members rise.
The Members have understood the CPA's explanation and ask the CPA approaching the plan.

Investor Relations

PHISON Spokesman

Mr. Yu

ADD: No.1,Qun Yi Rd.,Jhunan,Miaoli, Taiwan 350
TEL: +886-37-586-896 #10019
Email: antonioyu@phison.com

Deputy Spokesman

Mr. Lu

ADD: No.1,Qun Yi Rd.,Jhunan,Miaoli, Taiwan 350
TEL: +886-37-586-896 #26022
Email: kuoting_lu@phison.com