Since 2011, Phison has been planning and promoting Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) by combining the company's internal resources and the expertise of consulting firms. Different from general counseling and counseling, the scope of employee assistance programs covers the individual level as well as the organizational and management levels. Based on the Ecological Systems Theory, through the multi-level assessment of microsystems, mesosystem and macrosystem, we can see the needs and jointly formulate solutions to help employees solve difficulties or problems encountered.

Over the years, the scope of counseling services has extended to work, family, interpersonal relationships, physical and mental health, mental illness, finance, law, and management consulting, and the service subjects include all Phison employees (no limit on the number of times using the services) and second-degree relatives or relatives of higher degrees (three times per person per year; additional times may be applied for according to individual needs). We also explain the services to employees encourage them to use the services via non-periodic courses and publicities.

From 2019 to 2021, of those who used EAPs, a total of 1,314 individuals used the first-stage telephone consultation (with case managers), and 233 used the second-stage consultation (with professional consultants), thus making total number of consultations 1,547. The topics of consultation are mostly law, parent-child relationship, stress and interpersonal relationship. The average satisfaction score of consultation users in the past three years is 5.4 points (out of 6 points).

We will continue to promote this business, take practical actions to help to solve the work, life or emotional difficulties of employees and their families, prevent employees from reducing their work efficiency due to personal problems, and maintain the balance of their body and mind.

Note: Ecological Systems Theory is a model of individual development proposed by Bronfenbrenner, emphasizing that developing individuals are nested in a series of mutually influencing environmental systems, in which systems interact with individuals and affect individual development.


FY 2019

FY 2020

FY 2021

Top three


  1. Family and parent-child relationship (36%)
  2. Legal issues (30%)
  3. Stress and Emotions (10%) / Interpersonal relationship (10%)
  1. Legal issues (37%)
  2. Family and parent-child relationship (17%)
  3. Work content (12%)
  1. Legal issues (29%)
  2. Interpersonal relationship (20%)
  3. Family and parent-child relationship (16%)