Vitamin D3 is a popular health examination item in recent years. According to the statistical analysis of the Taipei Lianan Wellness Center, it is found that more than 80% of office workers are deficient in vitamin D, most notably in women and young people. In addition, based on the statistics of employee health check in 2020, the proportion of our employees lacking vitamin D is as high as 81%.

In view of this, we held a lecture on "Vitamin D deficiency. How to supplement it better?" in March, and invited the director of Department of Family Medicine from Hsinchu MacKay Memorial Hospital to give a speech to inform colleagues of the reasons for vitamin D deficiency and its impact on the body. The most important thing is that colleagues can supplement vitamin D through sunlight, diet and health supplements. A total of 35 colleagues participated in this event. We hope that they will learn more about vitamin D and improve their self-health awareness through the lecture.